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2023-10-10 21:16  

International Symposium on Industrial Organization: Theory and Policy


13-14 Oct 2023, Shenyang (2023年10月13—14日,沈阳)

Faculty of Economics, Sun Wah International Business School (SWIBS) Liaoning University (LNU)


Conference Program会议议程

Venue:Liaoning University Puhe Campus, Office Building 317


Day One, 13 October (Friday)

8:20-8:30 Registration

8:30-8:50 Opening Ceremony chaired by Jianpei Li (UIBE and Dean of SWIBS)

Welcome Remarks & Keynote: New Development Concept of Chinese Economy (中国经济新发展理念)

Miaojie Yu (President of Liaoning University)

8:50-9:00 Group Photo

Session I: 9:00-10:20Advances in IO Theory, chaired by Xiaohui Wang (LNU)

9:00-9:40 Keynote: Competing Teams in Large Markets

Hideo Konishi (Boston College)

9:40-10:20 Keynote: Job Matching under Interventions

Ning Sun (Southern University of Science and Technology)

10:20-10:40 Tea Break

Session II: 10:40-12:10 Advances in IO Theory, chaired by Jinyong Jeong(LNU)

10:40-11:10 Online Relational Contract and Offline Investment

Zhuoran Lu (Fudan University)

11:10-11:40 Joint Design of Team Production Technology and Performance Pay

Lester Chan (Xiamen University)

11:40-12:10 Stability in Multilateral Matching Markets

Ken C. Ho (LNU)

12:10-13:40 Lunch at the 2nd Floor, Hanyue Hotel(午餐:涵月宾馆二楼)

Session III:IO Theory and Empirics, chaired by Weiguang Wang (LNU)

13:40-14:10 Digital Transformation, ESG ratings and Online Positive Sentiment: The Moderating Effect of Executives’ Overseas Background

Hua Zhang (LNU)

14:10-14:40 Has the Shortened Drug Distribution Chain Cut Drug Prices? Evidence from the Implementation of Two-Invoice System in China

Jianye Yan (China Agricultural University)

14:40-15:10 Consumer Search and Vertical Differentiation

Lijun Pan (Nanjing University)

15:10-15:40 Optimal Contracting with Social Norm

Dawen Meng (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)

15:40-16:00 Tea Break

Session IV: 16:00-17:30Panel Discussion: Digital Economy and Industrial Policy政策讨论专场:数字经济与产业政策

Chaired by主持人:Ming Gao (LNU)

Panelists讨论嘉宾: Yongmin Chen (University of Colorado, Boulder), Ping Lin (Shandong University), Wenge Liu (LNU), Di Xie (LNU)

18:00-20:30 Conference Dinner 会议晚餐

Day Two, 14 October (Saturday)

Session V: 8:30-10:20Advances in IO Theory and Policy, chaired by Wenge Liu (LNU)

8:30-9:10 Keynote: Keynote: Assigning Default Position for Digital Goods: Competition and Welfare

Yongmin Chen (University of Colorado, Boulder)

9:10-9:50 Keynote: Killer Acquisitions: Competition Test and Remedies

Ping Lin (Shandong University)

9:50-10:20 Keynote: Digital Economy: Stylized Facts, Policy and Industrial Organization (数字经济的规律、政策及产业组织问题)

Jietang Tian (Development Research Center of the State Council)

10:20-10:40 Tea Break

Session VI: 10:40-12:10Digital Economy, chaired by Shengqiang Zhang (LNU)

10:40-11:10 Cross-industry Acquisition by Digital Platforms

Sunny Huang (The Hongkong University of Science & Technology)

11:10-11:40 Multidimensional Personalized Pricing and Market Competition

Zenan Wu (Peking University)

11:40-12:10 Digital Technology in Supply Chain: Mechanism and Consequence

Qiang Gong (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)

12:10-12:20 Closing ceremony by Jianpei Li (UIBE and Dean of SWIBS)

12:20-13:30 Lunch at the 2nd Floor of Hanyue Hotel (午餐:涵月宾馆二楼)

End of the program

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